Nathalie, the founder of Deux Noix De Coco is a lover. She loves Martinique and she is a big fan of Art as well. Contemporary art is the art of today.
This Art allows the artist to use different kind of concepts, methods and materials. It’s all about Freedom of speech and modernity. It runs from 1970 until now and is fundamental to our societal claim, moreover, it is about society, culture, identity, community, family, choices, love…
What Deux Noix De Coco wants to offer?
A new kind of break . - Spice up your life with excitement -
Using Art to relax is something we all do as kids naturally, and creative self-care is important to us. We deeply think that Art helps letting go so we decided to combine: L’Art du Savoir Vivre, the love of art, adventure and celebrating life - That is what we call a lifestyle "à la Deux Noix de Coco".
And NOW is the time for Deux Noix de Coco to finally become partners with their favorite Gallery 14°N 61°W in Fort de France, Martinique, directed by Caryl Ivrisse-Crochemar (Creative Renegades Society).
We wrote about our visit to his Gallery in "Art & Martinique. What else?". Caryl supports the idea of cultural proximity and solidarity throughout the Caribbean and wants to increase awareness about art practices in the region. This is also important to increase awareness to issues such as the growth of environmental threats, social progress, intercultural perceptions and exchanges within the islands.
The program of espace d'art contemporain 14°N 61°W, is fuelled with exhibitions and projects revolving around concerns about artistic creation in relation to today's social, economic, political and global issues. The Art stirs something in the observer which never leaves you indifferent.
Deux Noix De Coco bundles the power of these important messages and helps to spread the awareness.
espace d'art contemporain
Place de l'Enregistrement, 97200 Fort de France - Martinique FWI
From Now, give star billing to Art, and find frequent information about contemporary Art in Martinique in our events section or visit 14°N 61°W.
Art does incredible things to body and soul
Science shows that not only travel but also Art can do incredible things for your mind and body. Experiencing Art decreases stress levels. Watching Art activates areas of your brain that are involved in processing emotions. Those make us feel pleasure and trigger our reward systems.
Reason enough, to visit the next upcoming vernissage on September 15th , where famous artist Jean-Ulrick Desert will present the centerpiece of the exhibition at espace d’art contemporain 14°N 61°W. The large map “Waters of Kiskeya” represents a poetic cartography of the Caribbean territory inspired by the hand-colored maps of 18th Century often found in antiquary dealers today.